American Pro·nun·ci·a·tion

American English Only – Sorry Accent Lovers

No Rules: Language is a lifestyle, not rules. So, let’s go.

No Books: Books are meant for libraries. Let them R.I.P.

No Grammar: Grammar? What’s That?!

No Stress: Pajamas, np. Cat on keyboard, np. Parents yelling, np. No camera, np. Break, sure!!

We do what most seem to neglect. Are you ready?!

If I told you Goonie Goo Goo and Goo Goo Ga Ga are crucial, would you believe me? Well, they are.

Sit back, have fun, enjoy the ride, and we’ll talk in the end… fluently.

Instructor – Mr. Ray

“Should I?”

Yes you should, I’d let it all out if I were you. Wait, let me get some popcorn first.

“WoW WoW WoW”

“My whole life was a lie when I realized there was no ‘k’ at the end of ‘ing'”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Phil Ingud

“No WAY”

To think that after all these years I heard ‘de’ instead of ‘thuh’ for the word ‘the’ was ludicrous!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Stan Dintahll

“Wait Wut?”

You mean to tell me learning English was this easy? I didn’t believe it either once I understood the process.

I can happily watch my favorite series and movies without dubs and subs.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Kenya Seedis

“It’s never too late”

Just when I thought I passed the age of cognitive learning, I wasn’t.

Feels good to go abroad knowing I can communicate without any translations.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Brandy Hitzhard